Monday, January 02, 2006

Opening Comments

Hello everyone,

I figured if everyone else on planet Earth has their own blog, why not me? This is my space to air my opinions, thoughts, deep dark secrets, and other delicious tidbits.

First a little about myself. I am a 29-year-old graduate student who is terminally single and has the self-confidence of a lima bean. To be honest, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung would have a field day on my tortured psyche. I will use the anonymity of cyberspace to air a lot of my insecurities and hang-ups that I have kept pent up for many years. Many of these postings will be very personal and things I have never admitted to anyone. Think of this as an online diary.

First a little warning, I tend of be a little blunt and extremly politically incorrect. If you're easily offended, I guarantee I will piss you off. If you have a bitter, cynical sense of humor, we'll probably get along just fine.

That's it for now, I'll post more as the muse inspires me.


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