Sunday, May 07, 2006

Another Kennedy Cover-up

Gee, another member of the Kennedy family breaks the law and gets away with it for no other reason than because he's a Kennedy. How shocking (note the heavy sarcasm). Of course I'm referring to Patrick Kennedy's car crash a few days ago. Let me get this straight; he's driving erratically at 2:45 am without his headlights on, nearly hits a cop car, crashes into a barricade, has bloodshot eyes, staggering, and slurring his words. If it were you or me, we'd be hauled off to jail for DUI in short order. But because he's a Kennedy, no field sobriety test is administered and he's given a ride home by the police. But then again, getting away with breaking the law is something Patty probably learned from his daddy (remember Chappaquiddick?).

On a related note, I am sick and tired of hearing about this stupid "Kennedy Curse." The JFK and RFK assassinations were tragic, and two of the greatest crimes ever committed against not just an individual but to the nation as a whole. Outside of this, all the incidents that have given rise to this notion of a "curse" aren't curses at all, but examples of a disgusting hubris by the Kennedy family that the rules do not apply to them.


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