Saturday, December 23, 2006

Barack Obama = Overrated

Senator Barack Obama has inginited quite a buzz for himself. The young Democrat has pundits, as well as a significant number of the public, anxiously proclaiming him as the next president. Yes, Senator Obama is a very intelligent individual and his life story is an impressive one. But a good story and a good IQ, a president does not make. They guy is not even halfway through his first term in the Senate. HE HAS NOT ACCOMPLISHED ANYTHING YET!!!!!!!! What is the landmark legislation he has drafted and championed through the Senate to presidential signature? It doesn't exist. His performance on Capitol Hill has not matched the irrational praise he has recieved for the last 2+ years. Right now, Senator Obama is running neck and neck with Peyton Manning for the title of Most Overrated Person on the Face of Planet Earth. If Senator Obama does manage to lead significant legislation through the political jungle of Washington, D.C., I will change my tune. Until then, the hype has not lived up to his actual performance.


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