Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Like many of you, I am saddened, shocked, and outraged at what happened at Virginia Tech yesterday. My heart breaks for the 32 young men and women who died far before their time, and I cannot imagine what the family and friends of those young people are feeling today. There is nothing I, or anyone for that matter, can say to ease their pain.

What baffles me this morning is what can drive a person to go on such a vile rampage? This was not an isolated, heat-of-the-moment incident. The fact that the suspect allegedly chained the doors at the second shooting site closed shows this person carefully thought through just what he was going to do. Simply put, he planned this. No gun control laws would have prevented this monster from going on this rampage. If he couldn't have gotten his hand on a gun he would have used pipe bombs, Molotov cocktails, hell even bows and arrows. He coldly calculated and planned cold-blooded mass murder. What could possess someone to do this? What would possess him to kill all those people in the German and engineering classes?

The road to heaven is far too crowded this morning. Thirty two young men and women who were just beginning to start their lives and determine their future are gone today. God, watch over the families of these men and women. Give them the strength to make it through this inexcusable event.